Comedy This series follows two young waitresses. They work at a greasy diner and become best friends. They hope of launching a new successful business b... ...go to review
6.9This series describes the life of brilliant diagnostic
surgeon that has lost...royal-pains
Comedy | Drama This series describes the life of brilliant diagnostic surgeon that has lost his status. He now works with his brother in the Hamptons as a 'conci... ...go to review
7.9The lead protagonist in this series is Liz Lemon (Tina Fey). She
is the head...30-rock
Business | Comedy The lead protagonist in this series is Liz Lemon (Tina Fey). She is the head writer of the sketch comedy show 'TGS with Tracy Jordan'. She must ha... ...go to review
Drama | Comedy This series describes the life of Tommy Gavin the Firefighter. He also has to deal with his ex-wife seeing other men. Cast: Denis Leary as Tommy... ...go to review
Crime | Drama This series follows the squad of the Special Victims Unit. They are specially trained detectives of the NYPD. They specifically investigate sexual... ...go to review
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6.52 Broke Girls:
This series follows two young waitresses. They
work at a greasy diner and...2-broke-girls6.9Royal Pains:
This series describes the life of brilliant diagnostic
surgeon that has lost...royal-pains7.930 Rock:
The lead protagonist in this series is Liz Lemon (Tina Fey). She
is the head...30-rock8.1Rescue Me:
This series describes the life of Tommy Gavin the Firefighter.
He also has...rescue-me8.3Law And Order Special Victims Unit:
This series follows the squad of the Special Victims Unit.
Space Food is about the adventures of a food supplying spaceship that...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means it is
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it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
it is getting...This game is currently in the Development Phase which means
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